Speed Up WordPress in the Cloud

How to Speed Up WordPress in the Cloud?

WordPress has so many advantages but besides this, it has one limitation also, it is generally very slow and due to this visitors who visit the website have to wait for loading of pages, which in turn distract them because nobody wants to wait for so long and sometimes it happens that they will not visit the site again due to its slow speed. Every company wants its website to respond very fast to the users because they want that in just one visit the visitor will be convinced as visitor will not going to wait for so long, so it is necessary that certain steps must be taken to increase the speed of WordPress, which are as follow:

  1. Good host must be chosen : WordPress sites should not be run on shared hosting as it will affect their speed and create traffic, thus to choose the good host is first requirement to increase the speed.
  2. Good framework/theme must be chosen : Frameworks like twenty ten/twenty eleven, thesis theme frameworks, SEO abilities etc. must be used to increase the speed.
  3. Catching plug-in must be used : Various plugins are available but catching plugins like W3 total cache are generally used to improve the speed of loading of pages.
  4. Blogger must use CDN : Content delivery network allows the visitors to download static files very fast by serving the files very close to them.
  5. Optimizer must be used- Optimizers generally reduce the size of image file, in WordPress free plug-in called WP SMUSHLT is available which optimize the images automatically at the time of uploading.
  6. Optimize homepage : Homepage should be optimized and look clean and focused by removing unnecessary inactive plugins, widgets and by reducing the no. of posts on pages which in turn will load the homepage fast.
  7. Optimize database : This means spam, post drafts, tables etc. which reduces overhead and thus increases speed.
  8. Hotlinking and leeching of content should be disabled : Hot linking means bandwidth theft, thus when it occurs load on server is increased to a great extent, which reduces overall speed, thus hot linking and leeching of content should be disabled.
  9. Expire header must be added : Adding expire header to static resources is a way that the clients don’t have to re-fetch any static content like images, java script etc. which can cut load time for the regular users.
  10. Gravator images must be adjusted : Gravator images should be adjusted because it contains unnecessary data which load the page very slowly or you can disable them throughout the site.
  11. Lazyload should be added : Adding lazy load means keep those images only which are seen in the visitor’s browser window will speed up the page load.
  12. PHP must be replaced with static HTML : This step will reduce the time of loading of page, so it should be done to increase the speed.
  13. Cloud fare should be used : With W3 total cache plug-in cloud fare must be used to improve the speed and security of the website.

By following the above steps, WordPress can be speed up to a certain extent.